Mechanical Engineering Student’s Association

Mechanical Engineering Student Association (MESA)

Sr. No. Name of the Student Class Name of the Post
1 Mr. Mule Akash Anil TY President
2 Mr. Aldar Dhiraj Bhagwan SY Vice-President
3 Mr. Khandagale Pranav Chandrakant TY Secretary
4 Mr. Deshmukh Nikhil Anil SY Treasurer
5 Miss. Birajdar Dipali Siddheshwar TY Ladies Representatives
6 Mr. Ganpatil Shubham Sunil TY Coordinator
7 Mr. Bhande Omkar Uttamkumar TY Coordinator
8 Mr. Shrimakkal Amol Revanappa SY Coordinator
9 Mr. Burale Pravin Hanmant SY Coordinator